Picture books illustrations

An   Elephant - Astronaut [caption id="attachment_194" align="aligncenter" width="1000"] An Elephant -astronaut  - still in the making of a story ...[/caption]     who had a friend a banana tree ...

  • Creative,  Picture books illustrations

    Cleopatra and Mr. Tibbles- story by Zoe Tucker

    Original text by Zoe Tucker – Author- Art Director- Designer.

    Here is a sample of  illustrations for  Zoe ‘s  text as a study for M.A.T.S. class by Lilla Rogers and Zoe Tucker 


    Cleopatra Bathing in Donkey milk when ..Mr Tibbles…






          ” The night, when everyone in the palace was sleeping Mr Tibbles howled his biggest, loudest, saddest meow …”


    Cat posing



    Mr Tibbles  ..himself




     experimenting in the style of the artwork with collages of watercolour washes



    How do you feel today Cleo ?



  • Creative,  Picture books illustrations

    An Elephant astronaut

    An   Elephant – Astronaut

    This Artwork is my participation on the ILLUSTRATORS WALL in Bologna (April 24th – August 31st 2021 ) – Bologna Children’s Book Fair





    Out in the desert and in the wilderness , lived an Elephant and a Banana tree..

    They were close friends.

    One day the Elephant had a strange dream…

    He dreamt of flying in the Universe and around were shining stars

    He was wearing  his astronaut uniform but it happened to be really small…

    -” What is going on here, where am I ?”.. the elephant asked himself…”

    (to be continued…)



    Some pics of  the making progress…